WATER CRISIS DEEPENS: Wonga and wider Douglas Shire communities tired of disruptions, demand water rebates


David Gardiner


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Water bottles at Wonga Beach Rural Fire Brigade, to substitute for water supply disruptions, also ran out. Picture: DSC

"This is becoming a joke" one social media user posted about the latest Douglas Shire Council water supply failure, while others more strongly voiced their frustrations over an issue that they felt had gone beyond the joke. 

With very short notice, at about 9.15 on Saturday morning - an Emergency Alert (Watch and Act) was issued by Council through the state’s Fire and Emergency Service (QFES) for Whyanbeel, Rocky Point, Wonga and Miallo.

“The Douglas Shire Council advises water supply will stop this morning due to a leak in the system and critically low reservoir levels,” the alert said.

Residents, by now tired of several previous sometimes lengthy cutoffs to their drinking water since the post-Cyclone Jasper flooding in December, were quick to express their frustrations.

“Love the fact they turned it off on the weekend when most people are home and like doing housework such as washing clothes etc,” a Facebook poster commented.

“So this week I get to start it off by not being able to wash my work clothes, or even be able to have a proper shower, couldn't imagine what it'd be like if we had kids etc as well.”

Water bottles not enough, residents complain

Douglas Shire Council posted that “a resupply of bottled water and non-potable water has been delivered to the Wonga Beach Rural Fire Brigade this morning (Saturday)” – but even that appears to have had supply issues.

“How often is our water supply at the Fire station topped up?” a resident queried. “Everytime I go to get water (bottled) it's gone. I am fast coming to the end of what I filled before it was turned off, but I have 2 dogs and a bird and as well as me they all need water.”

Another: “Council should have done a door drop of water each day. The only way of making sure each house had drinking water. Just doing 1 drop off at the RFS and not monitoring for refilling it, is not acceptable.”

After the whole weekend without water, the highly-tested residents of Whyanbeel, Rocky Point, Wonga and Miallo, probably took little joy from this morning’s latest Council water update: 

“Reservoir levels continue to build and the team is fixing/cleaning the treatment plant’s filtration system,” the news release said. 

“Council is expecting to start feeding water into the network today (Monday).

“Residents from Whyanbeel, Miallo, Rocky Point, Wonga Beach and surrounding areas can also fill containers from taps located in public areas in Cooya, Newell and Mossman.”

Demands for compensation/rebates

Many residents have made it clear they’ll be seeking reductions in their water bills – and some might even demand compensation for the disruptions. 

“Yes I'm having a winge as we just got out water bill and for what?”

“Compensation in respect to our water rates must be a given. Every year we pay for the upkeep of infrastructure as well as water usage.”

But Council has not indicated so far that any sort of compensation or water rate rebate is even on the cards.

“Nothing was done all weekend, and for those that keep on thanking the council for their hard work I think you need to adjust your views as nothing has been done but a rubbish update showing very doubtful reasons.” 

“Yep feeling Wongaish yet again. Paradise they say? Thanks DSC for providing such a fantastic service   I want a shower. What is it a filter problem or a broken main or both you keep stating different problems wtf ??? DSC I feel that you treat us like mushrooms, keep us in the dark and feed us Bulls#%t.

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