Keithy's in it for the love of the game
Local Legends

Keith Taylor, 63, loves his footy and cricket and the Port Douglas Sports Complex volunteer curator says he’s done what he does for nearly 20 years to give something back to the sports.
“I love the game and want to give back to something that gave me something,’’ he says.
“And it keeps you out of the bar.’’
Affectionately known as “Keithy”, the concreter played 101 games of footy for the Crocs and nearly 200 games of cricket for the Muddies Cricket Club.
“Everyday is a good day out here,’’ he says of his “voluntary part time… double time’’ curator gig.
“I haven’t hit any tons up here. Age sought of gets you here and there.
“I would like to still be playing but I am down here and by the time it gets to the start of play, I’m nearly done.’’
The cricket allrounder said he never got past 70 runs on what is a wicket with a long outfield.
“I’ve taken a couple of 5 fors here but any day playing the game is a special day,’’ he said.
“We’ve had tons tapped out this year.
“There’s nothing better than seeing a good competitive wicket where there’s something for the batsman, something for the bowler.
“If you can play cricket, you can play your shots here and if you’re good enough with the ball, you’ll get that movement.
“It’s never a dull pitch, there’s always plenty of action.’’
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