Bernie’s honour for time spent in his “magic place”
Local Legends - Mossman Bowls

Bernie Wolland reckons Club Mossman is “a magic place to be in’’, particularly if you’re on the greens.
“I have been part of the club since 1991 and been a part of all their redevelopment,’’ he said.
“Back in ‘96 when we first developed the club I was a part of the building committee.’’
The highly competitive bowler, now retired from state and top flight disability bowls, has just earned top flight recognition.
They haven’t recognised it here as yet but I have just been made a Life Member of the Tropical Far North District Bowls,’’ he said.
Bernie represented Australia in Disability bowls and went to South Africa in 2011.
“I played with IBD in the Australian Championships, World Championships in Sydney in 2007
I was runner up in the IBD Pairs and fourth in South Africa in the singles,’’ he said.
A Port Douglas local since 1987, he had played district level Rugby Union and other sports in his younger years and was already into bowls when he lost his leg.
“I had an accident just north of the Port turnoff and lost my leg through golden staph in 1994,’’ Bernie said.
“I played bowls prior to that. I used to play bowls before I had the accident. I was on my way home from bowls when it happened.’’
Bernie is just one of the many familiar faces Newsport now catches up with regularly at Club Mossman as we deliver comprehensive coverage of sports news and results from across the Shire.
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