New partnership to immensely benefit rainforest conservation
Our pristine rainforest is set to benefit from an exciting new partnership between Rainforest Rescue and Daintree Eco Lodge, which will also enhance the experience for tourists visiting the Daintree region.
As the partnership continues, non-for-profit conservation group, Rainforest Rescue, expects to see a large growth in capacity.
The Daintree Eco Lodge is operated by Intrepid Travel, a company focused on giving back to the regions they operate in.
Intrepid Travel recently visited the region to meet with Rainforest Rescue and officially launch the new partnership. This collaboration will include donations to support the group's vital conservation efforts.
Brett Mitchell, Managing Director of Intrepid Travel, spoke on behalf of Intrepid about the partnership.
“Anyone who has had the privilege of visiting the Daintree knows just how crucial it is that we protect and conserve this unique and ancient rainforest,” he said.
“Intrepid is proud to be partnering with Rainforest Rescue to continue its important conservation work and to realise its vision to protect rainforests forever”.
Branden Barber, Rainforest Rescue CEO, highlighted the organisation’s accomplishments and the significance of this partnership with the Daintree Eco Lodge.
“Not only are we focusing on conserving existing rainforest but now creating new habitat,” he explained.
“Currently we are growing 150,000 new trees a year, which is a huge boost from the original numbers”.
Overall, the new partnership will increase Rainforest Rescue’s capacity allowing for expansion of reserves.
“It’s great to meet the people behind Intrepid,” Mr Barber said.
“This partnership is really about bringing two organisations together to help increase each other’s scope”.
With the partnership established, it is clear that both Intrepid Travel and Rainforest Rescue hold the same values. Over time the partnership will grow, and our region will see the benefits of expanded rainforest conservation.
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