Mossman State High School student wins prestigious academic scholarship


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Keani Ireson has won a $20,000 Harding Miller Education Foundation Scholarship to help continue her studies. Picture: Submitted

Mossman State High School student Keani Ireson has won a $20,000 Harding Miller Education Foundation Scholarship to help continue her studies.

Keani was among nearly 60 promising female students in Queensland public schools to be selected for Harding Miller scholarships.

The scholarships provide each recipient with more than $20,000 worth of assistance over four years.

More than 700 Year 9 students applied for the scholarships this year, which are for young women who are passionate about their studies, but who may lack opportunities to achieve their academic potential and dreams.

Through the scholarships, girls are supported in a variety of practical ways including with equipment, computers, internet connections, textbooks, tutoring and coaching, which they may otherwise not have access to.

Keani said the scholarships would help her overcome potential obstacles to her future academic pursuits.

“The Harding Miller Scholarship will provide help for me in a variety of ways," the young student confirmed.

"I do not own my own computer and we live off the grid so it is difficult to complete homework and study at home.

"The tutoring would help me to keep my grades up and supply me with extra help for necessary subjects. The career enrichment opportunities provided by this scholarship would help me to decide on a career that suits me."

 “Our scholarship recipients have high academic potential," Harding Miller Foundation executive director Cara Varian said.

"They are talented and dedicated, but they simply do not currently have access to the resources that they need to make the most of their education opportunities.

“Girls are more likely to complete high school and go on to pursue further education when they are supported with equipment, money for resources, tutoring and coaching, and that’s the type of support we are providing to these students.

“We want to support these high-potential young women to stay in school and to have the option going to university.”

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