LIVE COVERAGE: ABSOLUTELY FEROCIOUS: Jasper's midnight surge wreaks havoc around Douglas Shire


Michael Warren


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Another view of the tree that was taken out in front of the Iron Bar yesterday afternoon on Macrossan St in Port Douglas. Picture: Submitted

12.11PM: Rain

Extreme rain now absolutely hammering Port Douglas and the Douglas Shire. Sideways rain - relentless.


12.01PM: Damage update - SES

SES worker Darren says his crew is currently attending apartment block jobs involving internal flooding issues in Port Douglas. He said he'll most likely attend major tree hazard jobs throughout the day after he's finished his latest flooding assignment.


11.56AM: Very latest from Mossman Police Station on ex-Tropical Cyclone Jasper

Sergeant Sarah Tulacz from Mossman Police Station spoke to Newsport just moments ago. She said signifigant vegetation, debris and tree hazards are placed all around the Douglas Shire including Newell Beach, Miallo, Daintree and Mossman.

She has asked Douglas Shire residents to 'be patient' as attempts to restore power in the Shire continues. 

Big flood concerns remain both for the Mossman and Daintree rivers. She has encouraged residents to stay at home over the next 24-48 hours.


11.39AM: Daintree battered

Newsport receiving information that the Daintree has received 434mm of rainfall over the past 24 hours up to 9am this morning.


11.16AM: Record cyclone Jasper rainfall

A Mowbray valley resident, Phil, situated in the Douglas Shire in the viccinity of Spring Ck says his weather guage received a staggering 350mm from midnight last night. In total since yesterday afternoon Phil said his guage has taken an unbelievable 648mm. 648MM!


11.14AM: Highest winds

A weather spokesperson says the highest winds recorded so far from Jasper were 115KM/hr at Low Isles, off the coast of Port Douglas.


11.09AM: Douglas power outage latest

As it stands 450 Ergon Energy crews continue to work on restoring power across the Shire, however obstacles, like low lying powerlines, flash flooding and other hazards are at times preventing workers from being able to access power boxes across the Douglas Shire.

We thank Ergon Energy for keeping Newsport and our readers informed.


10.33AM: Captain Cook Highway technically closed, only drive in emergency circumstances

Douglas Sergeant Damian Meadows says the Captain Cook Highway remains "technically closed" and those that need to travel to Cairns from Douglas should only do so if it's an absolute emergency or second, a crucial flight.

There is a lot of water on the highway, it remains extremely slippery, there's chances of landslips, rock falls, and other hazards.

"I wouldnt be driving down to Cairns today," Sgt Meadows said moments ago.


10.31AM: Cairns Airport re-opened

A spokesperson has confirmed that Cairns Airport is now open and operations have returned to normal. Please check your airline for specific information.


10.26AM: A leading Douglas Shire SES worker has revealed the latest regarding jobs that he's attended this morning, December, 14.

So far his crew has had to repair a leaking roof at a retirement villiage in Port Douglas. He's four man crew was just moments ago, called to a job to remove a large tree that is currently blocking an emergency exit at a unit complex in Port Douglas.


10.19AM: Douglas Shire latest

The high tide has now arrived for the Mossman river with localised flooding expected, particularly around Hart St, Mossman.


10.17AM: Douglas Shire Massive rainfall

A local whether expert has confirmed the Mowbray catchment area has received an extroadinary 610mm since yesterday.


9.42AM: Douglas Shire power outages

An Ergon Energy spokesperson just moments ago confirmed with Newsport that Douglas Shire residents located in Bamboo, Bonnie Doon, Cooya, Dagmar, Daintree, Finlayvale, Forest Creek, Lower Daintree, Miallo, Mossman, Newell, Shannonvale, Whyanbeel, Port Douglas and many other local communities remain without power.

"The top priority for restoration will be critical services, like water and sewerage infrastructure, communications, hospitals, aged care homes and major shopping centres which supply essentials to the community," an Ergon spokesperson told Newsport just moments ago.

"Crews will also be looking to safely restore power to the most number of customers as possible. There may be some quick wins, depending on the damage assessment.

"Heavy rainfall and flooding may impede access to some sites.

"This is a widespread and complex restoration effort, but rest assured local crews will be doing their utmost and there are reinforcements from across the state ready to back them up."


8.59AM: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW - the absolute latest as told to Newsport editor Michael Warren by Douglas Police Sergeant Damian Meadows just moments ago.

- No reports of personal injuries across the Douglas Shire.

- Genuine concerns Mossman River will flood, particularly with the incoming high tide from 10AM this morning. Also big concerns for potential flooding in Hart St, Mossman. Evacuation order now in place for a number of Mossman residents and those close to Hart St.

- 15 people evacuated from Mossman at midnight due to flooding, rising waters threat - escorted to Douglas Shire library at Mossman.

- QFES and SES personnel are out across the Shire surveying damage - eg, fallen trees and vegetation on roads and highways.

- No reports of any major initial damage to businesses across the Shire - yet.

- Wujul Wujul and Cape Trib residents "doing ok" Damien told newsport, after copping the eye of Jasper, just after 6pm yesterday.

- Increasing concerns of serious flooding to the Daintree River over the next few hours.

- The majority of the Douglas Shire remains without power, with Damian confirming that crews remain out in the rain now trying to restore power. Overall, 40,000 residents across the Far North are currently without power.

- Douglas Shire Council workers are currently on site on Macrossan St, where they have now blocked the road, as they begin to remove the large tree that was felled in front of the Ironbar yesterday afternoon. Damian says Council expects to have removed the tree by "this afternoon".

- The Wujal Wujal or Bloomfield bridge has gone under. The SES are hoping of clearning a path to Cooktown along the Bloomfield Track when it is safe to do so.

- Heavy, persistent rain continues to hammer the Douglas Shire with more expected over the next 24-48 hours.


8.30AM: Good Morning, welcome to the morning after. Well, what a night that was. Jasper made landfall around 6.15PM last night and it brought extreme wind and heavy rain for a good nine hours.

However, just after midnight it went to another level in which we experienced the heaviest winds of the entire cyclone. An extremely sleepness night. We'll bring you the latest right throughout the day. 






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