ANZAC Day honoured with unity and respect in Douglas Shire


Jamie Jansen


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Residents of all ages and backgrounds in Port Douglas joined the annual march to the cenotaph around 10:00 am. Picture: Newsport

In a display of unity and remembrance, the Douglas Shire community gathered once again to commemorate Anzac Day.

Residents united this morning to pay their respects and honour the fallen at ANZAC Day services across the Shire.

At the break of dawn, a large crowd gathered at the Mossman Cenotaph for the dawn service, commencing at 5.15 am. 

Later in the morning, in Port Douglas, the Douglas Shire community came together to witness the annual march towards the cenotaph. Just after 10.00am, residents of all ages and backgrounds joined in the procession.

For a visual account of this morning's march in Port Douglas, please find a photogallery here: 

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